Social Media Marketing Tips

Social Media Marketing = SMM

If you have a company, or are thinking about starting one, you need to be involved in social media.

First off – Social Media Marketing is NOT the golden solution to all of your marketing needs, rather it is one piece of an overall marketing strategy. Below are are some do’s and dont’s for Social Media.

  • DO NOT be on EVERY Social Media Network
  • Pick networks that your customers frequent
  • Have a Plan – know who you want to connect with
  • Be the wikipedia for your industry
  • Be Consistant – stick to a planned schedule
  • Share other peoples content that is relavent
  • Don’t post just to post – make your content count
  • Realize Social Media is NOT free

Social Media Misconceptions

Social Media goes hand in hand with SEO, however not in the way that a lot of people would think. There is a term called Link Wheel. The basic premise is that every time you post to a site such as facebook, that your post links back to your website, and that post creates a link to your site that the search engines will pick up on. – THIS COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

The fact is most social media sites including Facebook and Twitter treat these links as NOFOLLOW links, which means the search engines ignore those links. Does that mean you shouldn’t create links on social media sites? Of course you should! After all a well designed social media campaign is about engaging your customers and encouraging them to click on your links, it is not about creating links and content for the search engines.

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Posted In - SEO, Social Media